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Elevate Youth

Elevate Youth

The Elevate Youth program is dedicated to fostering political fluency among young people, empowering them to engage with local issues that directly impact their lives, families, and communities. By equipping underrepresented youth with the skills needed to understand and influence local government policies, we aims to cultivate a generation of leaders who can advocate for meaningful change at the grassroots level.


Through our training programs, participants learn how to take on leadership roles within local government boards and commissions. They are also taught to effectively advocate for decisions that address pressing social and economic challenges facing their communities. By engaging in civic activities, these young leaders not only improve their own lives but also contribute to creating a more equitable and fulfilled future for themselves and their families.


One of the key barriers to civic engagement among underrepresented communities is a lack of understanding about the workings of local government. Often, community members rely solely on city council members to inform them about opportunities to participate in decision-making processes. However, this information frequently fails to reach everyone efficiently. Additionally, many communities struggle to articulate their concerns effectively. We addresses these challenges by providing a vital platform for community engagement, focusing on underserved and underrepresented groups.

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